We are carefully looking for that moment when one abandons the fictional character in order to discover the true one if such a thing exists.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Spiral down.
We are carefully looking for that moment when one abandons the fictional character in order to discover the true one if such a thing exists.
An image I never saw, BURNed in my memory.
Typing this on MicrosoftWord,
AutoCorrect Options thinks I'm making a list.
No list needed,
#23 is reason enough.
23 years
Five of which you were consumed with poison,
addictions fed the division.
You pushed your real friends,
your remaining family away.
Only thoughts of your parents' deaths remained.
Curious how you referred to them in the present,
as if kept alive,
but they were passed.
23 years.
Last night marked thirty nights.
Thirty nights you've haunted me.
3 o'clock always brings a sudden sharp gasp for breath,
Cold sweat, Colder tears,
23 years.
The accident you, solely, survived
Epitome of alone.
The accidental sucide of an only child
No one knows.
No note to be found.
No one to leave one for.
There was no funeral.
23 years incomplete
You were too weak to continue.
Now sober, you felt everything.
The hurt stuck to you.
23 years completed
You were too strong to continue.
Determined to be with them again.
Numb at last.
23 years.
The bravest coward I've ever met.
Had a heart once beating of hope.
3 months filthy sober
Concluded the healing was over.
23 years.
Found dangling in the shower.
Hope down the drain
You were finally clean.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Just shoot.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
when everything is as it SHould be.
Frank Wheeler, I think you're the most interesting person I've ever met. --the heart's fatal flaw, beating for someone else.
Knowing what you've got,
Knowing what you need,
Knowing what you can do without.
-that's inventory control.
If being crazy means living life as if it matters
then I don't mind being completely insane.
Look at us. We're just like everyone else. We've bought into the same, ridiculous delusion.
Just because you've got me safe in this little trap, you think you can bully me into feeling whatever you want me to feel!
Hopeless. Emptiness. Now you've said it. Plenty of people are onto the emptiness, but it takes real guts to see the hopelessness. --[fuck yea, John was my favorite]
Tell me the truth, Frank, remember that? We used to live by it. And you know what's so good about the truth? Everyone knows what it is however long they've lived without it. No one forgets the truth, Frank, they just get better at lying.
I wanted IN. I just wanted us to live again. For years I thought we've shared this secret that we would be wonderful in the world. I don't know exactly how, but just the possibility kept me hoping. How pathetic is that? So stupid.
To put all your hopes in a promise that was never made.
Frank knows what he wants, he found his place, he's just fine. Married, two kids, it should be enough. It is for him. And he's right; we were never special or destined for anything at all.
I don't feel anything...fuck who you'd like.--[I saw so much of myself in April]
But I don't love you...you're just some boy who made me laugh once at a party once. And now, I loathe the sight of you.
I saw a whole other future. I can't stop seeing it. --definitely cried at this part. At the end of the movie I was hoping she was reaching for a gun instead of the tubing.
Revolutionary Road really gripped me. Some of my greatest fears put on display.
April-realizing her dream, her passion in life, and being unsuccessful...incomplete.
inadvertently, she puts her failures on him...judging him for his cowardice.
trapped in a hollow life until it finally drained her of all hope.
Frank-too afraid to fail. never even giving a dream a chance. choosing the safe, right path.
a cheating husband, desperate for feeling...
John-the madman of the society...ultimately the most sane.
the love for one another was real
but it wasn't enough
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
lied to myself
And the taste in my mouth that lingered
And when I said goodbye,
I wish I would have hugged you harder
And when I said goodbye,
I wish I would have held you closer
And no matter how hard I try to give us another chance,
I held on just a little too long
And I’m sorry I broke your heart
And I’m sorry I couldn’t give you mine
Give you mine
I could no longer bear to see you in pain
And I felt guilty when I looked into your eyes
For everything I said to you I meant it
And although I may not have lied to you,
I did worse,
Lied to myself.
So now I walk to the river
I walk to the river alone.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
"flowers of chance"
The Crunch
too little
too fat
too thin
or nobody.
laughter or
tears haters
lovers strangers with faces like
the backs of
thumb tacks armies running through
streets of bloodwaving wine
bayoneting and fucking
an old guy in a cheap room
with a photograph of M. Monroe.
there is a loneliness in this world so great
that you can see it in the slow movement of
the hands of a clock people so tired
either by love or no love.
people just are not good to each other
one on one.
the rich are not good to the rich
the poor are not good to the poor.
we are afraid.
our educational system tells us
that we can all be
big-ass winners it hasn't told us
about the gutters
or the suicides.
or the terror of one person
aching in one place
alone untouched
unspoken to watering a plant.
people are not good to each other.
people are not good to each other.
people are not good to each other.
I suppose they never will be.
I don't ask them to be.
but sometimes I think about
the beads will swing
the clouds will cloud
and the killer will behead the child
like taking a bite out of an ice cream cone.
too much
too little
too fat
too thin
or nobody
more haters than lovers.
people are not good to each other.
perhaps if they were
our deaths would not be so sad.
meanwhile I look at young girls
flowers of chance.
there must be a way.
surely there must be a way that we have not yet
though of.
who put this brain inside of me?
it cries
it demands
it says that there is a chance.
it will not say"no."
-Charles Bukowski
One of my favorites.:]
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
But my heart is a compass without a North.
Untrustworthy. Useless. His.
vvvvvvvv. vvvvvvvvv. vvvvvvvvv.
on vibrate.
My Angel
Sunday, July 12, 2009
sexy little black thing...
He's never thought much of lingerie, it's just another barrier between him and where he wants to be, haha. Maybe I'll even light some candles. I haven't made this kind of effort for him in over a year. I go through the motions of when I used to care. I want to feel again...I want to care. He'll feel special, and he is. We'll fuck. All the while, I'll try to remember what it felt like to love.
My Heart is FREE
"Well, the first thing I remember is the last thing that I saw,
Now my heart is free.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
your former madwoman
Inerads become our Outards
His muscles twist and stiffen creating a stuttered movement as he walks. He towers over me, skeletal, hagard, used up. Aged beyond his years by hardship and struggle, an illness. Even his skin betrays him. The small folds hang heavy pulling him further down. In some respects, I wish we were that way...Obvious...not deceptive or hidden. I have to believe that people would make more of an effort to heal and treat others kindly. But at the same time, maybe people wouldn't reach out to the broken. Maybe they would be avoided and discarded. One time I asked the old man how his day was going, he instantly became a different person. He has a smile that would light up the largest of rooms. Now when I see him, he is no longer the hagard hollowed out man I initially saw. He's a kind, gentle, lively young soul. Ultimately, given the chance, their truths will shine through.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
This is not a bad dream.
Lovin's for Fools
inside this house that we built.
Seems like the window is finally open,
letting the memories out.
Well go on and love her,
love her forever.
I will not tell her
you told me too.
You'll never know dear,
how much I love you.
Lovin's for fools.
Lovin's for fools.
Spread Smilesss
I'm conducting an experiment designed by Canada's top subjective well-being assignment: to record my level of happiness and then get on a bus and initiate a conversation with a stranger. When I get off the bus, I will record my happiness level again. Helliwell's research has proven that the more positive social interactions we have, the higher our happiness level is six out of ten. If Dr. Helliwell is correct, a conversation with the gangster knitter will raise my happiness level to seven.
I throw my best "what's up?" look across the aisle, but the gangster knitter's gaze, hooded by thick brown lashes, is fixed out the window. Her gaze drifts to the Full Throttle energy drink advertisement above my head, to the floor, to the yellow safety bars near the back door. I remember what Helliwell told me. "on a bus you think 'I'm being nice to these people by not invading their space.' But research tells me that, in fact, if we shared a little more space, they'd be happier and I'd be happier. So who's the real loser?"
Ten minutes later, the bus pulls up to my stop. At the door I turn and say, "I like your tattoos." She removes her iPod buds and looks up at me (hazel eyes. I love hazel eyes). "Thank you," she says, a smile dancing at the edges of her lips. As the bus pulls away from the curb, I record a happiness level of seven into my logbook."--Ian Bullock, a Vancouver freelance writer who is at work on his first novel.
Forever Young
Botox is the solution. Chemical peels, microdermabrasion and a Joan Rivers style pick-me-up may eventually be required. In the meantime, there are a multitude of cosmetics that plump up, fill in and camouflage. Ad if that doesn't work, I can bake my body into melonoma oblivion at the local Fabutan in an effort to look "healthy" and "vibrant." People will like me. Men will want to fuck me. Life will be wonderful.
Once I am wrinkle-free, my graduate degree will suddenly materialize on my wall, my boyfriend will no longer want to screw Megan Fox, and I will be the greatest woman that ever lived.
Yes, the botox, the self-induced melonoma and the obsessive, self-important desire to look good would surely impress thousands of women who fought for my right to be more than a mere reflection of beauty. I'm sure Emily Carr and Jane Addams aren't rolling in their graves everytime society glorifies Paris Hilton as anything more than toxic swill. I'm sure I'll be a better person if I have a frozen forehead.
Oh the O generation, how proressive you are."--Sheena Edmundson
It plagues men and women alike...the desire to remain forever young. PAAh. Good luck. I'm not saying you shouldn't take care of yourself, eat alright, exercise, protect your skin. I'm just proposing a new attitude towards age.
Instead of being so hung up on wrinkles, receding hairlines, a little skin flab, take pride in your years. I know it's easy to say when I'm only in my twenties, the age people strive to maintain many years after, but I hope to adopt my mother's philosophy as I age.
She is the most beautiful woman I know. She's 50 something, and looks it. She still strives to be healthy, eat right ect, however, she's incredibly comfortable with her wrinkles. I would go so far as to say that she's proud of them. She's said to me numerous times, "I've earned every one of these years." She never thought she'd live this long, and she views reaching her age as a huge accomplishment--which it most definitely is!!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that you should embrace who you are and where you're at in life. Stop picking yourself apart, and spending all your time and energy on a fleeting goal....that's just what the media wants you to do. Consume. Consume. Consume. Youth, however, is a state of mind. Stay forever young at heart and LIVE your life instead of wishing it were different.
I need to remind myself of this often.
The Alternative:)
"You say there is nothing to hope for. You say we are all headed for doom. You say democracy is dead and America is the devil, as you take another swig of your Jack Daniel's and Coke.
You say banks are evil. That they feed off our vanity and greed, making us clowns in a grotesque comedy. You say the West is dead, destroyed: no morality, no life...just shopping. Tell me, could you say that to the girl who is beaten with sticks for revealing a lock of hair? She cannot say anything.
You say everyone works for money out of egotism...that we all just pretend to care. You say our way of life spells the end of humanity, and that we know nothing of what we speak. You say we are enslaved by fashion; but so is every society, even tribesmen in the Serengeti.
You say it all because you have the luxury to complain.
True, we live in a capitalist system. True, we have become disconnected from our political system and live in a hyperconsumerist culture.
But I will not allow you to bring me down from my high. I will not let you judge me. Nihilism, shmihilism. The freedom of negative expression maintains oppression. Think twice about pessimism--it keeps unwanted systems in existence.
Say something I haven't heard before."--Stephanie Bailey
I'm definitely guilty of a defeatest attitude. I've passed pessimism on long enough, I now strive to focus on the beauty of our society. If I've learned anything this past year, I've learned that humans are capable of change. This motivates me to promote social change and not submit to "norms." I recently read a quote on a friend's wall, "it's not a sign of health to be adjusted to a profoundly sick society." Truer words have never been spoken. Solution:be the cure!! Instead of merely denying societal standards or worse settling for them, ignite change. Be the spark. Set this beautiful, horrible, crazy world ablaze!!
"Be the change you want to see in the world."--Mahatma Gandhi
Nihilism is the basic credo of cool
"I see what I see that is that. I see wars, I see poverty, I see struggle. I see a generation too spoiled to care and too arrogant to dig deep.
Democracy is dead and a new world order is colonizing our souls. Media chokes us, coerces us, makes us believe that being more than human is better than being. I see women desperately seeing perfection, enslaved by their magazines' false ideals. She says too much of nothing.
I see selfishness. I see caricatures and parodies aspiring to become iconic. I see heat, I see meat, I see vice. I see posers paddling in a media pool waxing lyrical about life, believing that they know. They know nothing.
They swim in style, adrift in champagne politics.
True, we live freely within a capitalist ethos of consumption. True, we all work to live. That is life in all systems.
But I will not allow the future to be choked by the present. I will not tolerate a society that is all style and no substance. I will not permit my children to live in excess.
And I will speak until I am heard."--Stephanie Bailey
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
My Winter in Summer
I like:
- http://blog.largeheartedboy.com
- http://gorillavsbear.blogspot.com/
- http://iguessimfloating.blogspot.com
- http://letoilemagazine.blogspot.com
- http://music.minneapolisfuckingrocks.com
- http://pitchfork.com
- http://soundverite.blogspot.com
- http://stereogum.com
- http://themusicslut.com
- http://www.blogotheque.net
- http://www.culturebully.com
- http://www.reviler.org
- http://www.weallwantsomeone.org